Many people want to know that they have a couple of hats waiting before they start chemo so they are ready for when hair loss starts to occur. It is a really good time to think about headwear before you might start to feel exhausted from your chemo, it’s also really good to be able to tick it off the list as researched & purchased something and feeling you’ve got it covered (excuse the pun!).
Beanies & hats are good to wear at night as hair loss starts to occur as it is marginally less depressing to wake up to a hat to shake out than seeing a hair covered pillow. I have put together a couple of bundles at a discounted price – two of my best selling colours in plain bamboo beanies, which are incredibly soft & feels soothing on a sore scalp and a Liberty print hat & turban – print is a great way of disguising hair loss as the print tricks your eye and is somehow less obvious than a block of colour.